Markets Archive | add2

Our markets

add2 operates across a wide range of industry sectors, from research to automotive production. For an outline of its work within a specific sphere, please select from the following articles.


The automotive market forms a large part of our products, services and consultancy portfolio. Amongst our offerings are… Hardware in the loop test equipment Low voltage test equipment Test board simulators / breadboard support equipment...

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Other sectors

For many years, we have provided products and services to an array of diverse industries and market sectors, from oil exploration to passive safety system manufacturers. Just some of the additional services we can provide are: Testing...

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We provide a range of software and hardware for the aerospace sector. Among the products we offer within this area are: VISUALCONNX Graphical User Interface for xPC Intelligent and special-purpose I/O Distributed I/O systems Fault...

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Construction and off-road

While the construction and off-road sector shares many of the requirements as the automotive industry, there are some important differences between the two.  For many years, we have provided specialist products and services to the...

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We have established a number of strong links to universities, allowing us to draw on the expertise of the university and to help us to contribute to delivering new and innovative technology. In addition, many...

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