HIL Sensor Simulators & Complex Output Function Modules

Intelligent I/O

Genix H3 HIL sensor simulators can simulate signals such as engine crank and cam, for the benefit of a wider HIL simulation setup.

General set up and CAN ID allocation for the H3 modules is performed via the HIL GUI, allowing re-flashing of the appropriate firmware in the module according to the I/O type required. They can be re-programmed to add or change capabilities.


Complex output function simulator module

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H3 COF conplex output function module for sensor simulationThe H3 complex output function simulator module is an I/O module targeted at test applications requiring functions biased towards output generation or single-ended voltage/current sensor simulations.


Complex input/transducer simulator module

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H3 CITF Complex input output HIL simulation moduleThe H3 complex input/transducer simulator module is an I/O module design for test applications requiring functions biased towards input measurement or single-ended voltage/current/resistance sensor simulations.