MICROGen Simulink Programmable Controller Software

MICROGen Software

Example powertrain simulink modelMICROGen systems consist of two elements. Firstly, the MICROGen 565 hardware. Secondly, Simulink programmable controller software, known as the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox, which contains all software necessary to develop and run models for MICROGen using MATLAB Simulink®.

This comprises of the MICROGen Simulink® TSP plus VISUALCONNX Full Developer, our real time systems interface creation package.


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TheMathWorks Simulink enabled logoflexiTARGET

The first element of the Toolbox is flexiTARGET; a Simulink® Target Support Package (TSP) that allows engineers to target Simulink® models to MICROGen.

It can also adapt to different microcontrollers and target hardware as the complexity of the model increases, which facilitates the running of models on more capable hardware variants, without the need for significant further development.

Ultimately, flexiTARGET allows control model development to continue regardless of any hardware limitations.

How it works

simulink modelThe first step in controlling the MICROGen is creating a model in Simulink, using the flexiTARGET TSP. Model complexity can range from simple LED manipulation to full powertrain simulation..

add2 provides model development services which range from gathering requirements to producing Simulink models to simulate systems and sub-systems.

Rapid Control Prototyping concept diagramflexiTARGET is written from the ground up to support open source compilers such as GCC and Diab.

add2 provides a pre-built GNU toolchain for Embedded PowerPC, enabling you to have your systems up and running quickly and easily, as well as reducing the overall cost of the compiler.

Microgen rapid control prototyping system in situOnce the model is compiled, it can be downloaded into the MICROGen’s flash memory, via VISUALCONNX. This process only takes a matter of seconds, making model development an easy process.

VISUALCONNX real time interface softwareUsing drag-and-drop mechanics, it is possible to create a wide selection of interfaces to real-time connections over common automotive protocols, such as CAN, Ethernet and more.


VISUALCONNX Real Time Software Interface Drag And Drop Control Creation

Drag and drop interface

The second element to the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox is a single node locked full developer VISUALCONNX license, which enables a wide range of GUI creation, logging and analysis functionality.

It’s used to download compiled models, instrument up any MICROGen Simulink® model using virtual dials and user controls and perform data-logging on parameters and signals within the real-time model via CCP (CAN calibration protocol) or CAN.

It also allows direct control of the model running inside the MICROGen.

MICROGen Rapid Control Prototyping & Gateway Controller

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