Downloads and Support
Welcome to the add2 downloads and support page. If you need more information on any of our products, to update your software or to ask us a question, you can do this here.
add2 registered members can access a range of resources from this page, including leaflets, brochures, specification sheets, videos, product documentation and software. If you’re a Support and Upgrade Services customer, you can also submit a query to our team of experts.
Please use the menu to browse to the appropriate product.
How to access this information1. Sign up to the add2 website to access more in-depth information on our range of embedded systems development and testing products. 2. Request enhanced access to read more detailed documentation including specification sheets, white papers and product demonstrations. 3. Become a Support and Upgrade Services customer to download software and firmware packages, receive updates to these as they are released and submit technical queries to our team of experts. Please visit this page whilst logged in to submit support cases. |
What can I find here?
In this section you’ll find a wealth of information on our products, such as brochures, leaflets, video tutorials, white papers, specification sheets, user manuals, software downloads, firmware downloads and drivers. You can also resolve technical queries.
Technical assistance
If you’re a Support and Upgrade Services customer, you’re able to submit technical queries to our team of experts via the form on this page once you’ve logged in.
You may also submit support cases via our dedicated email address
Product literature
If you’re looking for an overview of our products’ capabilities and how they can help you to build and test embedded systems, you can find product brochures and leaflets here for download.
If your looking for a bit more information on the technical aspects on our products you can also find specifications, user guides and white papers here.
Product documentation
Up-to-date product documentation for all of our systems can be found here, which are updated as the new versions are released.
This documentation is designed to introduce the full range of product functionality and includes start-up guides and walkthroughs of their functionality.
Product software
We’re always adding features to our range of products, to keep up-to-date please download our latest software and firmware updates. By downloading the latest updates, you can improve the functionality of your systems.
Support and Upgrade Services customers are entitled to download all software updated as they are released.

“We don’t have an awful lot of face-to-face meetings because we’re able to explain things over the phone and your guys are smart enough to understand it all.”
Clive Sims, Director, Sims Engineering Systems Ltd