Genix HIL Software For Control Simulation & Analysis

Genix Software

VISUALCONNX GUIWe provide multiple HIL software packages which integrate with Genix hardware. The overall range of software available performs a huge array of tasks from configuring a full hardware-in-the-loop system’s I/O to managing software licenses.

These pieces of software are used to define the contents and I/O allocation for each sub-rack, to build powerful real-time graphical interfaces, logging and analysis tools, to configure the networks of specialist measurement equipment, to build Simulink control models across multiple microcontrollers, to configure battery simulation testing, to monitor CAN networks on a message level and to configure simulated electrical loads.


Conveniently configure Genix hardware-in-the-loop systems

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Genix HCU HIL configuration GUI softwareHCU software is provided to configure Genix HIL systems. All rack layout, I/O allocation and Genix conditioning is controlled through this tool. Once each rack is defined, its sub-racks, PODs, modules and cards are configured via this intuitive graphical tool.

Given that HCU is able to configure all signal conditioning within a rack, the capabilities are of course immense.


Build powerful graphical interfaces and analysis tools quickly and easily

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VISUALCONNX GUI software dashboardVISUALCONNX is a software package designed to shorten the time necessary to create Human Machine Interfaces for testing or prototyping systems. By linking virtual controls to pre-defined or custom connections, testing can being near-immediately.

Using VISUALCONNX, it’s possible to create powerful, real-time interfaces, without the need for programming.


Configure smartfuse measurement systems quickly and easily

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GDSP GUI software for HIL system configurationThis software program is designed to configure and analyse vehicle current measurement performed by Sens-X hardware, as well as Genix H3 and H4 modules.

Using the Genix Digital Signal Processor (GDSP) GUI, each smartfuse in an add2 Sens-X system can be monitored and configured to stream its data onto CAN.


Build Simulink® models for a growing range of real-time hardware

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flexiTARGET GUI software logoflexiTARGET is a Simulink® TSP that allows engineer to target Simulink® models to a vast of real-time hardware.

Users can target Simulink models to their chosen microcontroller, which provides compatibility with a theoretically limitless selection of real-time hardware.


Perform and configure many test types such as cranking or starting profiles

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LVTest GUI low voltage test softwareBuilt within VISUALCONNX, the LVTest GUI is a Windows program that controls the add2 LVTGO-VBS system. It allows engineer to specify and randomise waveforms for delivery to a device under test.

Functionality includes test triggering via CAN message, COM interfacing for test automation, and the ability to configure waveforms.


Our diagnostics tool that monitors CAN messages

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CANSurf GUI softwareCANSurf allows user to monitor, receive, send and log CAN messages on the CAN bus. Advanced features include message filtering, tracking and exporting to CSV. It also has the ability to broadcast messages with time stamps.

Performing this range of useful actions and more is made easy with the CANSurf user friendly interface.

Programmable Load blockset

Providing interface blocks for a growing range of boards

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Programmable load blockset GUI softwareThe software for the Programmable Load includes a customer-modifiable program area, in which programs are written using the Matlab/Simulink®/Embedded Coder tool-chain.

These can drive the output configuration and control setting for all channels indepentently.