Private: MICROGen RCP & Gateway Controller
MICROGen is a set of software and hardware for Rapid Control Prototyping, test and gateway...
Find out moreThe MICROGen software is called the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox and it contains all programs necessary to develop and run models for MICROGen using MATLAB Simulink. The first of these is flexiTARGET for MICROGen; a variant of our Simulink Target Support Package (TSP) that allows engineers to target Simulink models to their chosen microcontroller.
The second element to the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox is VISUALCONNX: Full Developer, which enables complex user interfaces to be created without the need for programming.
flexiTARGET allows engineers to no longer worry about hardware becoming obsolete. It facilitate the selection of different microcontrollers and target hardware as the complexity of the model increases which facilitates the running of models on different systems, without the need for significant further development.
Features include:
The flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox provides all I/O driver libraries, GUI and supporting applications to enable real-time models to be generated with Simulink Coder from The MathWorks. It also supports all the key hardware features of the MICROGen 5xx range. This significantly speeds up the cycle of developing a model for test and then re-developing the model with appropriate test feedback.
flexiTARGET consists of a number of target Simulink driver libraries, supporting on-board and additional CAN interfaces (up to 5 channels), LIN drivers, extended high-bandwidth RS232 features, data logging and non-volatile support. Support is also available for all I/O currently provided by the MICROGen 5xx range, including its ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Cloud’ stack expansion boards.
A ‘plug and play’ approach is made possible with driver libraries provided for all analogue, digital, frequency and Genix signal conditioning, in addition to LCD display driver libraries for the optional touch screen display hardware.
flexiTARGET is written from the ground up to support low cost and open source compilers such as GCC, meaning the need to purchase specific, costly compilers becomes extinct.
add2 provides a pre-built GNU toolchain for Embedded PowerPC, which is available on CD or can be downloaded. Having a pre-built GNU toolchain enables users to have their systems up and running quickly and easily, as well as reducing the overall cost of the compiler. Support for the toolchain can be provided by add2.
flexiTARGET is supplied with installers for the Windows operating system and is compatible with Windows versions XP, 7, 8 and 10. Once installed and properly licensed, all libraries are added to the Simulink library browser automatically.
All MICROGen products are supported by the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox, including MPC555 and MPC565 CPU boards, MG5xxS, MG5xxE, MG5xxP and MG5xxPR.
Further hardware platforms will be supported in line with development.
The flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox is bundled with a full developer license of VISUALCONNX, which allows complicated user interfaces to be created without the need for programming.
When used as part of the flexiTARGET Productivity Toolbox, VISUALCONNX is used to download models to the MICROGen via CCP, a process performed in a matter of seconds.
It also allows you to instrument up any MICROGen Simulink model using virtual dials and user-controls forming a fully-functional, attractive user interface within just a few minutes.
VISUALCONNX also provides data-logging functionality on parameters and signals within the real-time model via CCP (CAN calibration protocol) or CAN.
CAN databases used within the real-time model may also be used within VISUALCONNX to monitor or generate CAN messages in real-time – See VISUALCONNX for MultiCAN for more information.